Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform LTS 2017 9.10


This contribution is part of XML component inside nuxeo-core-management-9.10.jar /OSGI-INF/core-management-contribs.xml

Extension Point

Extension point probes of component CoreManagementComponent.

Contributed Items

  • <probe class="" name="administrativeStatus">
          <label>Local Instance availability</label>
          <description>Test if local Nuxeo Instance is available</description>

    Test if local Nuxeo Instance is available

  • <probe class="" name="runtimeStatus">
          <label>Runtime started probe</label>
          <description>Test if the runtime is started or not</description>

    Test if the runtime is started or not

  • <probe class="" name="repositoryStatus">
          <label>Repository started probe</label>
          <description>Test the repository by fetching the root document</description>

    Test the repository by fetching the root document

XML Source

<extension point="probes" target="">

    <probe class="" name="administrativeStatus">
      <label>Local Instance availability</label>
      <description>Test if local Nuxeo Instance is available</description>
    <probe class="" name="runtimeStatus">
      <label>Runtime started probe</label>
      <description>Test if the runtime is started or not</description>
    <probe class="" name="repositoryStatus">
      <label>Repository started probe</label>
      <description>Test the repository by fetching the root document</description>